
212% increase in order intake compared to last year

6 Oct 2023: Bintel has achieved major success in the last three quarters of order intake (Q1-Q3-2023). An incredible increase of 212% compared to the same period last year. It all stems from dedication and hard work of our entire team. We are proud to announce that we have reached an all-time high in sales.

"I am thrilled to share some exciting news from Bintel AB. Our company has achieved major success in the last three quarters of order intake. An incredible increase of 212% compared to the same period last year.

It all stems from dedication and hard work of our entire team. We are proud to announce that we have reached an all-time high in sales.", says Jennie Orton, CEO Bintel.

This achievement is a testament to the strength and resilience of our organization, especially in the face of the challenges posed by a rapidly evolving market and global economic shifts. It reflects the unwavering commitment of our employees, the trust and support of our customers, and the effectiveness of our solution.

At Bintel AB, we have always aimed to be at the forefront of innovation, consistently delivering top-notch solutions to meet the evolving needs of our customers. Our success in achieving record-breaking sales demonstrates that we are not only meeting but exceeding those expectations.

But that’s not all. Our journey has another significant dimension. We are proud to share that our relentless commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility is also bearing fruit. Through our innovative solutions and sustainable practices, we are making substantial strides in reducing our carbon footprint and minimizing our environmental impact, providing our customers with actionable insights in how to increase recycling whilst keeping cost down.

These efforts align with our vision to be a socially responsible organization that contributes positively to our planet.

Looking ahead, we see a future where Bintel AB continues to thrive and lead. Our sales milestone and environmental achievements are strong indicators of our potential. As we move forward, we envision an organization that not only delivers exceptional products but also sets new standards for corporate responsibility and sustainable waste management. We foresee a future where our sustainable practices not only benefit the environment but also enhance our brand reputation and customer loyalty.

Our solution, the result of relentless research and development efforts, is not just about driving business success and sustainability. It’s also about shaping a future where businesses and individuals can prosper while reducing their environmental footprint. We believe that environmental responsibility and economic growth can go hand in hand.

As we celebrate this incredible milestone and our environmental achievements, we also recognize that it is just the beginning. We are fully committed to sustaining this momentum, continuously improving our sustainability initiatives, and expanding our reach to serve even more customers who share our vision for a greener future.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our dedicated team, who have shown exceptional skill and determination in both business excellence and environmental responsibility. I also want to thank our loyal customers and partners for entrusting us with their business and joining us on this journey towards a sustainable waste management.

Rest assured, our journey does not end here. We are more determined than ever to set new records, innovate relentlessly, and provide value for our clients, our team, and our planet. Together, we will continue to build a brighter and more sustainable future for our customers and for Bintel AB.

Let’s look forward to the exciting opportunities that lie ahead, where success, sustainability, and social responsibility are intertwined, guiding us towards a prosperous and eco-conscious future.

Jennie Orton, CEO

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  3. Ansvarig för tävlingen är: Bintel AB, Lund.
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  5. Vinnaren av tävlingen kommer att få en installation av IoT-enheter i sina kärl i två miljörum. Enheterna kommer vara monterade i 12 månader, under denna tid kommer Bintel att göra en analys av rummens dimensionering och en kring dess utsortering. Efter 12 månader plockas enheterna ner av Bintel, om inte annan överenskommelse görs separat.
  6. Vinnaren utses, om ej annat anges, av en jury bestående av Bintels CEO, CTO och CSO. Juryns beslut kan inte överklagas och juryn behöver inte motivera sitt beslut.
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